Accounts at BCA

See which accounts you can get at BCA. We have accounts that cover all your needs - accounts for salary, budget and savings or one account for everything.

Business accounts

Get accounts and solutions for the day-to-day operations of your business.

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Business accounts

As a business customer of BCA, you get an operating account, which you can use for:

See which accounts you can get at BCA

Total account

Get an overview of your finances and save money

Savings account

If you want a fixed savings or a contingency reserve, a savings account is a good place to park the money. We can offer different types of accounts, and the more willing you are to tie up the money, the higher the interest rate we can offer.

  • Savings account without termination is perfect if you don't want to tie up the money for an extended period of time. You can always withdraw your money when it suits you.

  • Savings account with termination is for you who would like to achieve a slightly better return on your money, in exchange for tying up the money for a shorter or longer period.

  • Interest rate guarantee is for you who would like a good and fixed interest rate on your savings, in return for tying up the money for a longer period.

Home Savings: Save 5% up to down payment for house purchase

When buying a home today, you must in most cases be able to put min. 5% of the purchase price plus the cost of the home purchase down payment on a house. That is, you must be able to put min. $ 50,000 plus costs in down payment on house purchase of $ 1 million.

This means that it is a good idea to make a savings for a house well in advance – for example, it takes just over four years to save $50,000 if you put $ 1,000.ind in the account per month.

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